Current Projects
Current Research Projects
1. Philosophical issues in Aristotle's Meteorology 4
Currently, I am working on a series of papers (in various stages of completion) that try to investigate - and resolve - a variety of philosophical issues in Book 4 of Aristotle's Meteorology.
This text - which has been largely neglected, perhaps in part due to 20th century questions about its authenticity - is of interest not only due to its implications for Aristotle's biology, but also because it provides one of a few places in which Aristotle investigates inanimate compounds in their own right.
Some of the issues that I am working on include Aristotle's conceptions of moisture, dryness, and dispositional qualities; his accounts of solidification and melting (and their distinction from processes such as mixing), and the extent of teleological explanation involved in non-biological processes.
2. Monograph: Aristotle's Sublunary Elements
I am working on a monograph (slowly but surely) that develops a comprehensive interpretation of Aristotle's four sublunary elements - fire, air, water, and earth - as they are discussed within Aristotle's natural philosophy.
My project has two goals. First, I hope to show that Aristotle has a single, consistent view of sublunary elements across multiple texts. It is sometimes thought that On Generation and Corruption 2 and De Caelo 4 (and its companion, Physics 8.4) have incompatible accounts of the sublunary elements; I propose that the two accounts can be harmonised. Second, I defend the claim that sublunary elements differ from other substances because they cannot survive changes to their qualities, quantitative features, or proper places: substantial change and locomotion (to and from a determinate proper place) are the only changes that they can endure.
3. Other projects, some ongoing for years now:
Incomplete and indeterminate quantity in Aristotle
Aristotle's geometrical objects
Material explanation and grounding causes in Posterior Analytics 2
Philoponus on matter and extension in De Aeternitate Mundi Contra Proclum 11