
My CV: this may or may not be up to date!

Brief biography: 

I started on the path to academia unintentionally. As an undergraduate at Michigan State University, I majored in political science (with the goal of going into law), and became enamoured with political theory. I declared a second major in philosophy, and in 2003, graduated with a double major. 

I continued to graduate school in philosophy at the University of Colorado - Boulder, where I completed an MA (2006) and PhD (2010). Here, I specialised in ancient Greek philosophy, but received broad training in analytic philosophy (especially metaphysics, philosophy of language, and philosophical logic). 

By this time, the negative impacts of the Great Recession in the United States had reached the academic job market, and I was lucky to be hired as a Visiting Assistant Professor at California State University, Fullerton, for the 2010-2011 academic  year. 

The academic magical mystery tour continued after that, taking me to Spring Hill College (in Mobile, Alabama) from 2011-2013 and the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse from 2013 - 2021, with one academic year in the Durham area of North Carolina at the National Humanities Center (2019-2020). In 2021, I accepted a job offer at Bilkent University, packed my bags (and my cats), and found my way to Ankara, Turkey

When not doing philosophy, you can find me spending time with cats (both my own, and the famous friendly Turkish community cats), practicing drums, or road cycling on the streets of Ankara and the surrounding areas.